10. Uluslararası Suç ve Ceza Film Festivali-Tebliğ Çağrısı / Call for Papers to 10th Crime and Punishment Film Festival

Değerli Katılımcılar,

İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi olarak bu yıl Uluslararası Suç ve Ceza Film Festivali’nin onuncusunu düzenliyoruz.

Bir akademik program eşliğinde gerçekleştirilen festivalimiz, tematik film festivalleri arasında çok özgün bir yere sahiptir. Temamızın adalet ve bu temayı işleyen filmleri içeren bir gösterim programımızın olması festivalimizin ilk özelliğidir. Diğer bir özelliğimiz ise, gösterim programına paralel gerçekleştirdiğimiz uluslararası sempozyumdur.

Bu yıl festival akademik programı teması olarak; “Ben Masumum” konusu belirlenmiştir. Hukuk devletinin temelini oluşturan adil yargılanma hakkı hem kamu hukuku hem özel hukuk açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çerçevede; “Ben Masumum” teması, hukukun tüm alanları bakımından birçok farklı boyutuyla akademik programımızda ele alınacaktır.

Festival akademik programına tebliğ sunmak üzere katılmak isteyen kişiler, bu ana başlık altında, sınırlayıcı olmamakla birlikte, aşağıda belirlenmiş olan alt başlıkları örnek olarak kullanabilir.

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20-26 Kasım 2020 tarihleri arasında gerçekleşecek Festival için tebliğ çağrısı için lütfen tıklayınız:


Dear participants,

As Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Criminal Law and Criminology Research and Application Center, we are organizing the 10th International Crime and Punishment Film Festival this year.

Our festival, held with an academic program, has a very unique place among thematic film festivals. The first feature of our festival is that our theme is justice and that we have a screening program that includes films that reflect this theme. Another feature of ours is the international symposium that we hold in parallel with the screening program.

This year, the theme of the festival academic program is “I am innocent”. The right to a fair trial, which forms the basis of the state of law, is important both in terms of Public Law and Private Law. Within this framework, the theme of “I am innocent” will be discussed in our academic program with many different dimensions in terms of all areas of law.

The subject matter of the papers should fall under the theme of the Festival academic program as described above, while the sub-themes enumerated below may be regarded as non-exhaustive suggestions.

Suggested themes

-The presumption of innocence and the principle nemo tenetur se ipsum detegere

-The right to silence in the gathering of oral evidence

-Documental evidence and the right not to coercively brought to accuse oneself

-The presumption of innocence and consensual criminal justice (in particular, bargaining procedures)

-The presumption of innocence and the right to a defence

-The protection of the defendant (and quasi-defendant)

-The protection of third parties

-Presumption of innocence, interference with fundamental rights and new intrusive investigations

-The presumption of innocence in administrative proceedings (potentially leading to the institution of a criminal law action)

-The presumption of innocence in preventive proceedings

-Special rules on serious (organised) crime and/or terrorism

-The presumption of innocence in digital era

-The presumption of innocence in transnational criminal justice

-Respect for private life and the presumption of innocence

-Protective measures presumption of innocence against freedom of the press

-The presumption of innocence against protection measures

-In the context of presumption of innocence the practice of monotype prisoner uniform in prisons.

-Right to participate in the society as an honorable person after execution: lifelong deprivation of rights.

-Discrimination and the presumption of ınnocence: social prejudices

-Right to a fair trial during the pandemic period

-The right to a fair trial in terms of protecting the family and preventing domestic violence and violence against women

-Right to trial within a reasonable time in the context of the echr

-The approach and ımpact of the press and social media on the right to fair trial

-The relationship between judicial independence and the right to a fair trial

-The right to a fair trial during state of emergency

-The rights of defendants within the scope of the right to a fair trial

-Right to a fair trial and equality of arms

-Administrative justice and the right to a fair trial

For the call for paper for the Festival, which will take place between 20-26 November 2020, please click:
